Volunteer Charter

What’s in it for you?

By joining PUP.LGBT you’re getting the opportunity to be part of the action.  To help shape the way that PUP.LGBT runs and the activities we put on.  You also get the right to display on your socials that you’re a part of the team (e.g. PUP.LGBT / Klub K9 Team Member).  You will also be given moderator rights to our telegram chats along with your jazzy title. 

What we need from you

We would ask that you attend as many events as possible.  You do not have to attend them all, we understand that you have a life outside of pup play and real life can get in the way too.  You  might even want to just come to an event and be dog! 

We just ask that you communicate with the team (via our telegram chats) if you will be attending as a team member.  This will be done in the team chat via a poll, around 2 weeks prior to the event)

If you commit to (via the poll) to attend the event and then pull out (without an acceptable reason), this will count as a “failure to attend”.  Receiving 2 of these within a 12 month period will result in a review of your volunteering responsibilities by the committee, which could result in suspension of your duties for a period of time as determined by the committee. 

When attending an event as a Team Member, please ensure that you wear your lanyard to identify yourself as a Team Member at all times.  Timing arrangements will be made in the Event Plan which will be set out prior to the event, so everyone knows what they are doing on the day and when.  We will attempt to rotate jobs where possible, so that people are not stuck doing the same thing all day.  If you have a preference of what you would like to do during the event then please let the team know before the event plan is published. 

Team members have a duty of care to all in attendance at our events.  Please make sure that you interact with as many people as possible, especially if someone is on their own.  We want maximum inclusion at our events!

Team meetings will be held regularly and communicated with you via the telegram chats.  Please make an effort to attend these as it allows us to foster a great sense of team and helps us to develop ideas and the events. 

As a member of the PUP.LGBT Team, you will be seen as an ambassador for the organisation and event, please ensure that you remember this when attending other events and are out in the community.  Your actions reflect on us whether you are wearing a Team Lanyard or not. All concerns raised about Team Members will be investigated by the Committee and depending on severity may require a suspension of Team Member status and duties, whilst the concern is investigated. Suspensions are at the discretion of the Committee. Where a concern relates to a Committee Member, the committee member in question will take no part in the investigation or outcome of proceedings.